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Congrats To The Class of 2019!!
Is God Calling You?

Begin The Journey Of Exploring Your Call Today!

Begin Exploring God's Call On Your Life:
Discover the Rewards of A Practical Ministry Program


Receive A Theological Education


Get a better understanding about God (Our Source), Jesus Christ (Our Savior), and the Holy Spirit (Our Strength).  You will learn how to correctly interpret scripture so that you can extract and apply biblical principles to your daily life.


In-Class & Online Instruction


We offer "in-class" sessions and online video instruction.  If you happen to miss a class, no sweat, "on-demand" playback of live classes are available through our online portal!


Receive Practical Ministry Training


As a follower of Christ, and one who is called by God, you will not only read about what was done in the bible, you will also do what was done in the bible.  Our goal is to thoroughly equip you to "do the work of ministry" that God has called you to do.


Our "No Student Loans" or "Student Debt" Philosophy


We don't believe that you should acquire debt to learn about God, or to learn to do what God has called you to do!  Jesus' disciples didn't take out loans for a theological and practical ministry education, and neither should you!!  Our rates are very affordable and are structured on a "pay-as-you-go" basis.


Define And Clarify Your Call


Whether you are clear about what God wants you to do, or you're still uncertain, we will walk with you through a process of learning and self-discovery that will help you determine exactly what area of ministry God is calling you to.


Full Preparation In Half The Time


When it comes to what God is calling you to do, time is of the essence!  We will not spend time teaching you unnecessary information. You will take fundamental courses that will equip you with a theological foundation for the physical work of ministry that God is calling, or has called, you to.  Our goal is to prepare you to fulfill God's call in a fraction of the time that it takes at a traditional seminary.

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